Protect Viable Unborn Children in Tennessee

TN Infants Protection Act Faces Critical Committee Votes on Wednesday, April 19


Click here to contact the Senate Judiciary Committee today.
Click here to contact the House Finance Subcommittee.


 The fate of priority protective legislation this session rests with pro-life advocates across the state.  Will you make your voice heard?

The Tennessee Infants Protection Act (HB 1189 / SB 1180) would prohibit abortions beginning at 24 weeks when viability is presumed.  The bill would also require viability assessments for unborn children beginning at 20 weeks gestation before an abortion can be performed.  If the child is determined to be viable (able to live outside the womb with or without medical assistance), the abortion would be prohibited.

Recently Tennessee's Attorney General called the Act "constitutionally suspect," in part due to lack of broad "health" exceptions which would allow late term abortions for women who suffer "mental and emotional harm" from carrying the pregnancy to term. 

Your support is needed right now to see this common-sense protection passed into law.  The bill will be heard by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, April 19 at 10:30 am (CDT) and by members of the House Finance Sub-Committee on Wednesday, April 19 at 12:00 pm (CDT).

Prime sponsors of the Tennessee Infants Protection Act are state Rep. Matthew Hill and state Senator Joey Hensley