Senate to Vote on Pro-Life Bills on Wednesday


On Wednesday, Tennessee's state Senate will take its final step towards restoring common-sense policies on abortion and will vote on measures providing informed consent and a 48-hour waiting period before an abortion may be performed as well as a requirement that abortion facilities be inspected and licensed as other out-patient surgical centers.

Restoration of a 48-hour waiting period is even more critical as neighboring states have recently passed and/or considering longer waiting periods than Tennessee.

SB 1222 (informed consent/waiting period) and SB 1280 (abortion facility regulation) are scheduled for a vote in the state Senate on Wednesday, April 15.

Click here to immediately contact your state Senator and urge their strong support for SB 1222 by Sen. Mae Beavers  and SB 1280 by Sen. Joey Hensley, MD.

The Senate session is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m.(cdt) and then again at 3:00 p.m.  These bills may be heard at either session and we will provide updates on timing of the votes as they become available.  For more information, please email [email protected] or call Tennessee Right to Life (615)298-LIFE.